Canadian Prime Minister HAMMERS Communism’s ‘Poisonous Ideology’ in Speech


Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, you have a friend in Canada. reports:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper launched into a full-throated attack on the evils of communism at a fundraiser on Friday for a monument to its victims.

In a lengthy key-note speech to the dinner, Harper took aim at Russian President Vladimir Putin and past adherents to communism.

“During the 20th century, communism’s poisonous ideology and ruthless practices slowly bled into countries around the world, on almost every continent,” Harper said.

“The result was catastrophic. More than 100 million souls were lost — an almost incomprehensible number.” …

In language reminiscent of the height of the Cold War, Harper lambasted communism and oppressive or even murderous ideologies.

“Evil comes in many forms and seems to reinvent itself time and again,” he said.

“But whatever it calls itself — Nazism, Marxist-Leninism, today, terrorism — they all have one thing in common: the destruction, the end of human liberty.”

Canadians, the prime minister said, are well aware of that destruction.

“We feel this pain so acutely because nearly one quarter of all Canadians were either held captive by communism’s chains or are the sons and daughters of those who were.”

Can you imagine Barack Obama making such a declaratory statement about such an evil ideology?

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