THE VIEW: Co-Host Calls Kim Davis a B**CH AND A MONSTER (VIDEO)

The ladies of The View sure are classy, aren’t they? During a recent discussion about Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who’s in jail for refusing to issue gay marriage licences, new co-host Michelle Collins let the slime fly.

NewsBusters reports:

Unhinged New ‘View’ Host Rips Kim Davis: ‘Bitch,’ ‘Monster’

The recently-added host sneered that Davis is “my top candidate for ‘this bitch got a man?'”

Calling out the woman for her multiple marriages, Collins snarled, “Have you seen the lady?… I’m serious. She’s a monster. ” This prompted gasps from the audience. Bitch? Monster? Seems more than a little anti-woman to attack Davis for her looks.

Watch the video:

Can you imagine a TV host using language like that to describe anyone on the left?



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