Nancy Pelosi MOCKS Obama In PRIVATE EMAILS Says He’s Like Dealing With A JUNIOR SENATOR

nancy obama

Nancy Pelosi and President Obama have a lot in common when it comes to their far-left agendas, but apparently Nancy doesn’t like Barack all that much.

The Daily Caller reports:

California Rep. Nancy Pelosi disparagingly referred to President Obama as “the junior senator from Illinois” during a meeting with wealthy Democratic donors just after the party was trounced in 2010’s mid-term elections, according to an email that Sidney Blumenthal sent to then Sec. of State Hillary Clinton.

“When I go to the White House I feel like I’m dealing with the junior senator from Illinois,” is what Blumenthal claimed Pelosi told a group of people gathered at the Democracy Alliance’s annual meeting, held in mid-Nov. 2010.

Wow, that’s embarrassing.

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