Clueless Tom Brokaw on Race Relations: “I Thought We’d Be A Different Country By Now” (VIDEO)

Brokaw RCP

Tom Brokaw is the poster child for liberal media elitists who embraced “hope and change” stuffed it down America’s throat and called anyone who disagreed a racist.

Now, as all hell is breaking loose, he can’t understand why it didn’t work.

Not to mention the fact that liberal media outlets promoted the violent rioting after Ferguson and Baltimore, held up Black Lives Matter as a civil rights group and fanned the flames of racial discord.

Speaking to Chuck Todd earlier today, Brokaw showed how these folks think.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Tom Brokaw on Race Relations: “I Thought We’d Be A Different Country By Now”

“I grew up at the beginning of the civil rights movement. I really thought we would be a different country by now. We have elected an African-American president. There is a lot of progress. But the hostility out there is really unsettling to me. And it’s based on pigmentation. People are making judgments based on the color of skin. Bang like that, and it is wrong,” he said.

Watch the video:

They really are this clueless.


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