VIDEO=> Nancy Pelosi Rants Incoherently, Mispronounces Countries and Slurs During Speech

Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly Tuesday to Refugees International and attempted to push back questions about her declining health.

Throughout the speech, the House Minority Leader butchered names, failed to pronounce countries correctly, and mispronounced countless words.

Pelosi looks visibly uncomfortable throughout the majority of her speech and can hardly get a word out without sounding incompetent.

VIDEO: (Via American Mirror)

One of the worse blunders in her speech came when she said cutting the foreign aid budget would “only deepen the crisis fighting – facing the children.”

Pelosi closed by awkwardly staring out after thanking the audience and the group for inviting her before walking off confused. It is quite disturbing watching her breakdown.

Some of the highlights from the video are as follows:

“Today, the strong moral varce – voice of Refugees International . . .”

“We degrade our values and our security when we slam the door in the face of children freeing – fleeing atrocities.”

“With the specter of famine looming over northeast Nigeria, Somalia, south Sudan, and Yumat, and Yay-men.”

“Slashing the state deparn-bubbett – department budget and foreign aid budget by 30% would only deepen the crisis fighting – facing the children.”

H/T: American Mirror


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