GROSS=> ANTIFA Throw Bottles of URINE at Boston Police Officers (VIDEO)

The Boston Police Department is calling on Antifa to immediately cease throwing urine at its officers. “ is asking individuals to refrain from throwing urine, bottles and other harmful projectiles at our officers.” tweeted the Boston Police Department.

Boston Police Commissioner confirms bottles filled with urine were thrown at officers during protest.

Reporter Michele McPhee tweeted a photo of Antifa members, writing “Counterprotesters have been asked by @bostonpolice to stop assaulting cops with bottles of urine etc”.

Twitter users @meequalsfree tweeted a video of a Boston Antifa member with urine on his person. 

@DeplorableGoldn this man has defaced Our American Flag by writing all over it. He has placed a gorilla mask on and has urine”

A grey-haired woman holding a large American flag was attacked in Boston Saturday as she stood alongside a march of Alt-Left counter-protesters to a Free Speech rally being held on Boston Common.

Video posted by Fox News shows an Antifa terrorist grabbing the flag from the woman and then dragging her for about ten yards as she tries to hold on to her flag. Eventually the Antifa terrorist lets go of the flag and the woman tumbles to the ground as a man she was standing with a male companion catches up to her. The woman gets up and chases after the Antifa terrorist while her friend gathers up the flag.

Nobody with the Alt-Left protesters comes to the aid of the grey-haired woman being dragged across the Common.

The woman reaches a crowd of Antifa terrorists and starts to confront them. Her male companion and another man catch up and pull her back from the mob. The woman is then seen reacting emotionally as the men gently set her on the grass. 5Etfw&ref_url=http% 3A% 2F% 2F2017% 2F08% 2Fvideo-antifa-attacks-woman-holding-american-flag-boston-drags-across-boston-common% 2F


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