Cry Babies: CNN Cut Live Coverage of Trump’s Orlando Rally As Crowd Chanted ‘CNN SUCKS’

CNN cut away from President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign kickoff rally after the crowd began a lively chant of “CNN Sucks!”

The network had been covering the Orlando rally until the chant broke out — approximately six minutes into his speech.

The chant had been prompted by President Trump calling his election a “defining moment in American history” and pointing at the media saying, “ask them right there.” The reference to the press was met with loud boos and the offending chant.

“By the way, that is a lot of fake news,” Trump added.

Trump added, the “amount of press we have tonight reminds me of the Academy Awards before it went political and their ratings went down the tubes.”

At this point, CNN cut their feed and their talking heads took over to whine and complain about Trump’s “attacks” on the media.

“All right. We’ve been watching the President kick off his reelection bid. He’s been on stage for about six minutes. Within two minutes he did talk about the economy, but within four minutes it was attacks on the media,” CNN’s  John Berman moaned after they cut the feed. “He was talking about a bright, rosy future, but then quickly reverted to some of the same themes he has been talking about since he began running for president.”

Fox News analyst Gianno Caldwell responded to the coverage with shock, saying that he has “never seen anything like this in my life.”

CNN’s Brian Stelter responded to the mockery happening on social media by tweeting that they simply “cut for analysis.”


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