Alabama: “Misunderstander” of Islam Guilty of Plotting to Kill Obama

By: Rachel Pulaski

Ulugbek Kodirov

And he is here illegally, imagine that.  He has also been in jail since July 2011 without bail.

Reuters reported:

 A man from Uzbekistan living illegally in the United States pleaded guilty on Friday to terrorism and weapons charges involving a plot to kill President Barack Obama.  According to court evidence, defendant Ulugbek Kodirov believed he was acting on behalf of an Islamist militant group in his homeland and was plotting to shoot Obama while the president campaigned for re-election this year.  Kodirov came to the United States in 2009 to study medicine and his student visa was revoked in April 2010 after he failed to enroll in school, investigators said.  He “self-radicalized” through Internet research and sought like-minded individuals, U.S. Attorney Joyce White Vance said.  Kodirov met a mentor he called “Emir,” whom he believed to be a member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, an Islamist militant group the United States has designated as a foreign terrorist organization.

Jihad Watch added:

What are the members of the local Muslim community in Birmingham doing to combat this tendency toward “self-radicalization”? What programs do they have in place to teach young Muslims that the jihadist understanding of Islam is incorrect? Why is asking that question “Islamophobic”?


Thanks for sharing!