Dem Loon Sheila Jackson Lee Blames Republicans For Starving Children… Ignores Michelle Obama’s Regulations That Are Starving The Children

Guest Post by Mara Zebest

The House Republicans stripped Food Stamp funding from a Farms bill. The Democrats are going nuts and screaming that Republicans want to starve the children… bla… bla… bla. The usual Chicken Little BS about Republicans.

Democrat Loon Sheila Jackson Lee actually claimed on the House floor that a lack of food stamps will lead to a lack of protein which is responsible for brittle bones. Who knew? I was under the impression that calcium (not protein) was responsible for bone strength…

Meanwhile, Dem. Sheila Jackson Lee didn’t mention one word about the real person responsible for starving childrenMichelle Obama. Many reports on how Michelle Obama’s food policies, regulations, and “Let’s Move” campaign are starving the kids and wasting taxpayer dollars all across the country. has been keeping up with many reports in this area. One such report as follows from Glenville, NY:

GLENVILLE, N.Y. – If the goal of the federal school lunch overhaul is to improve outcomes for children, somebody should tell its chief cheerleader – First Lady Michelle Obama – that it’s actually backfiring.

Officials in New York’s Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district have become the latest to opt out of the National School Lunch Program, citing “hungry, frustrated children plus lost income.”

“[Food service manager Nicky] Boehm and her staff worked hard to implement the new regulations, but there were just too many problems and too many foods that students did not like and would not purchase. Students complained of being hungry with these lunches and the district lost money. I’m confident we can do better on our own next year,” assistant superintendent Chris Abdoo said in a news release.

The lunch program lost about $100,000 for the school year, which is roughly the cost of one teaching position.

“Students felt they weren’t getting good value for their money,” Boehm said. “The high schoolers especially complained the portion sizes were too small, and many more students brought in lunch from home.” […]

This district’s action comes on the heels of the Catlin, Illinois district doing the same. Officials there complained the federal guidelines were too “restrictive.”

The USDA – which manages the National School Lunch Program – has estimated it will cost school districts $3.2 billion to implement the new Michelle Obama-inspired mandates.

That’s a lot of money to spend to make sure kids go hungry at school. Don’t be surprised if many more school districts around the nation dump this program before the new semester starts in the fall.

The EAGnews article link reporting from Catlin, Illinois confirms the kids were hungry under Michelle Obama’s program:

School officials decided to pull out of the National School Lunch Program earlier this spring, after seeing a decline in the number of meals that were served and too much food going into the garbage last year, the paper reported.

“When the federal government changed the nutrition guidelines, they became very restrictive,” said Lewis. “If a kid is hungry, they’re not going to be able to concentrate in class. We need to work to make sure they’re full. That will increase their potential.

A school in Indianapolis joined the list of complaints regarding starving children and wasted taxpayer money. EAGnews reports as follows:

INDIANAPOLIS – The carnage shifted from the students’ lunch plates to school budgets after Michelle Obama’s lunch regulations were voluntarily implemented last year.

Officials in the Carmel Clay, Indiana school district told they lost $300,000 last school year when many students rejected the menu changes and stopped purchasing school meals.

Amy Anderson, the food service director for the school district, told the newspaper, “I’m a registered dietitian. I used to feel that I was an educator and part of the education system. I currently feel like I’m a food cop.

“I don’t get credit for the 98 percent of our kids who are within normal weight range. I only get slammed for the 2 to 3 percent who aren’t.”

She said the changes may “drive her into retirement,” according to the paper.

Students in another central Indiana district were equally displeased. […]

“I’ve been in the school district forever, and they all know me and they’ll go, ‘Mrs. Rice, we are hungry,’” the paper quoted her as saying.

Lori Shofroth, Tippecanoe School Corp.’s food service director, said many students are throwing food away and it’s leaving a lasting impression.

“They’re teaching our kids with this meal pattern that it’s OK to throw away,” she told the paper. “We did a waste study on three different schools, and there was a huge amount of waste. That was just with produce, fruit or vegetables or milk.”

Read more here.

A PoliticalOutcast article reports from a Chicago public school. The article describes how a photo op and kick off for Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” fitness plan turned out to starve the kids for hours. The entire first hand account is amazing to read from Lisa Putnam, a fifth grade teacher, on how 6,000 students spent over 7 to 8 hours “without food for what turned out to be nothing more than a commercial for Michelle Obama.” Putnam’s opening paragraph starts out as follows:

“If you are a parent, imagine that you take your child on a trip and they are very excited.  Now imagine they have to wait on a bus and stand in straight lines for three hours straight.  Then imagine after one hour of “fun” that they have to sit around and wait for three more hours that bus to pick them up.  Oh, did I mention that are not allowed to have a morsel of food the entire time?  Now, multiply that by 25 to 35.  Sounds fun right?!  That’s a little bit what the day was like for CPS students, parents and teachers at the Let’s Move! Campaign.” […]

Read more here.

There should be a PSA ad aired on every television station that tugs at those emotional heart strings, “Help prevent starving children in America—vote out all Democrat representatives.” A similar ad could also apply to saving children’s lives in Democrat-run states.



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