McCain Gives McConnell A Pass On $2.91B Senate Deal Earmark For Kentucky Dam Project: “I Do Not Believe That Senator McConnell Was Responsible”

When the Senate passed their spending bill yesterday, Sen. Mitch McConnell came out on top with a nearly $3 billion dollar earmark for his home state.  The funding will go to the Kentucky Dam project that has already run “millions of dollars over budget” and should have been completed “years ago“.  Rhino McCain once again comes in to defend his pal Mitch McConnell, tweeting that he does not believe McConnell was responsible for the “anomaly” earmark despite the fact Sen. McConnell requested the same earmark 3 years ago:

Previously on The Gateway Pundit:

KENTUCKY KICKBACK… Mitch McConnell Gets $2 Billion for Kentucky Dam Project in Senate Deal


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