Prince Charles: Global Climate Change Pact Could Be Magna Carta For Earth

charlesPrince Charles (Image

The Magna Carta. A document created in England in 1215 that outlined individual liberties known as the “Rights of Englishmen”. The document was so revolutionary it influenced the creation of the U.S. Constitution over four-hundred years later.

But in 2015, instead of being inspiration for a document listing the liberties of man, the Magna Carta is disturbingly being used as inspiration for a global document pertaining to the earth.

According to an article on Business, Prince Charles believes that an upcoming global agreement to fight Global Warming could be a Magna Carta for the earth:

A new global pact on climate change, due to be signed this year in Paris, should be a “Magna Carta for the Earth”, Prince Charles has urged.

“He said this year marked potentially the “last chance” to save the world from the perils of global warming, with the Paris conference and the United Nations’ plan to replace the millennium development goals with a new set of sustainable development targets. “We simply cannot let this opportunity go to waste. There is just too much at stake, and has been for far too long.”

He told a meeting of forestry and climate experts in London: “In the 800th anniversary year of the Magna Carta, perhaps this year’s agreement of the new sustainable development goals and a new climate agreement in Paris should be seen as a new Magna Carta for the Earth, and humanity’s relationship with it.”

While the Prince seems overly concerned with the “rights” of the planet, Explosive Reports blog suggests that he isn’t necessarily interested in the rights of man. Particularly the unborn.

In 2013 Prince Charles praised a controversial report on how to deal with global overpopulation:

Prince Charles has openly expressed support for a recent population study by biologists Paul and Anne Ehrlich, calling for drastic global efforts to reduce fertility worldwide. On the official website of the Prince of Wales, prince Charles commended Paul and Anne Ehrlich’s latest population study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society on January 8 of this year, calling among other things for globally provided “back-up abortions” to avert overpopulation catastrophe. The prince writes:

We do, in fact, have all the tools, assets and knowledge to avoid the collapse of which this report warns, but only if we act decisively now.

In their latest study entitled Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?, biologists Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife repeat their decade-long mantra, namely that global population growth is certain to collapse civilization as a whole- and only a concerted global effort to reduce fertility may avert the feared catastrophe. The report mentions that global population reduction is a monumental task, but they add:

Monumental, but not impossible if the political will could be generated globally to give full rights, education and opportunities to women, and provide all sexually active human beings with modern contraception and backup abortion. The degree to which those steps would reduce fertility rates is controversial, but they are a likely win-win for societies.

It would seem that, as far as Prince Charles is concerned, the planet should have more rights than the unborn.

Sadly he isn’t alone in his thinking. Several people on the Progressive left, like Margaret Sanger, would probably agree with him.


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