Ummmmm… “First Gay Muslim Marriage” Takes Place In U.K. (VIDEO)

“I just hope other gay muslims see this as well, and know they’ve got support from other gay people as well. It can be done. I just hope other gay muslims out there, sexually hiding right now, finally come out” say groom and, uhh, groom Jahed Choudhury and Sean Rogan. They are one of the first gay muslim couples to get married.

“My family supports it, but the community’s kinda off from the family right now, where my family lives. So if they did show up here, the (?) people coming in would be causing trouble,” says Choudhury.

“People at the mosque should understand about gay people” says Rogan. “It’s not wrong, it’s not a phase, you don’t go through…” when Choudhury interjects with “That’s what muslims believe, it’s a phase you grow out of.”

The Independent reports:

Mr Choudhury, 24, told the Express and Star he felt like the “black sheep” of his Bangladeshi Muslim family, being bullied at school, attacked by other Muslims and banned from his local mosque.

He said he attempted to change his sexual orientation and went on religious pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh but became suicidal and attempted to kill himself before meeting Mr Rogan.

They started living together in 2015 and Mr Choudhury proposed on his husband’s birthday last year.

Mr Choudhury said: “This is about showing people I don’t care, my family doesn’t want to come on the day, they just don’t want to see it, it’s too embarrassing for them.

“They think it’s a disease and can be cured, some of my family still call it a phase.

The Muslim Council of Britain, which represents more than 500 organisations and mosques, was among the religious bodies including the Church of England opposing the legalisation of same-sex marriage in England and Wales in 2013. 

No comment from the couple about polls indicating that 52% of the “moderate” muslims in Britain think homosexuality should be illegal. No comment from the couple about the gays who are literally being tossed off of buildings in muslim countries or set on fire.

Is this disrespectful to islam, or this is a big win for gay rights? It’s quite comical to watch the circular leftist firing squad eat one another on this one!


Thanks for sharing!